Swordfish (2001)
Director: Dominic Sena IMDB rating 6.20 / 10 Swordfish - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: bank robbery, blow job, bullet time, bus, car chase, child custody, coercion, computer, computer cracker, corpse, deception, drug enforcement, exploding body, exploding car, exploding helicopter, exploding ship, explosion, fall from height, father daughter relationship, fbi, fellatio, femme fatale, getaway, helicopter, hostage, internet, murder, police chase, senator, shot in the forehead, surveillance, swiss bank account, terrorist, topless, torso cut in half, twist in the end |
Taglines: Log In. Log Out. Leg It!Log On. Hack In. Go Anywhere. Get Everything.Log on. Hack in. Go anywhere. Steal everything.Once you know the password you can go anywhere.Password Accepted wSordfishSowrdfishSwrodfishSwodrfishSworfdishSwordifshSwordfsihSwordfihsSwordfihswordfishSordfishSwrdfishSwodfishSworfishSwordishSwordfshSwordfihSwordfisSSwordfishSwwordfishSwoordfishSworrdfishSworddfishSwordffishSwordfiishSwordfisshSwordfishh Plot: When the DEA shut down its dummy corporation operation codenamed SWORDFISH in 1986, they had generated $400 million which they let sit around; fifteen years of compound interest has swelled it to $9.5 billion. A covert counter-terrorist unit called Black Cell, headed by the duplicitious and suave Gabriel Shear, wants the money to help finance their raise-the-stakes vengeance war against international terrorism, but it's all locked away behind super-encryption. He brings in convicted hacker Stanley Jobson, who only wants to see his daughter Holly again but can't afford the legal fees, to slice into the government mainframes and get the money. |
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