Phone Booth (2002)
Director: Joel Schumacher IMDB rating 7.30 / 10 Phone Booth - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: actor, ambulance, blonde, blood, brunette, bullet hole, bullet wound, camcorder, cellular phone, cheating husband, cosmic zoom, distorted voice, extortion, extortionist, flashback sequence, girlfriend, gun, gun shot, hitchcockian, hostage, humiliation, husband, independent film, infidelity, intern, lasersight, liar, machine gun, manhattan, marriage, media circus, megaphone, mistress, murder, narration, new york city, pay phone, phone, phone booth, phone call, phone tap, pimp, pizza delivery, police, police officer, prank call, product placement, prostitute, publicist, real time, redemption, revolving door, rubber bullet, ruse, shot in the ear, shotgun, slit throat, sniper, sniper rifle, split screen, swat team, telephone box, television, television news, times square, tourist, toy robot, traced call, tragedy, twist in the end, video camera, vulgarity, wedding ring, wife, wiretap, yelling |
Taglines: Hang Up And You DieIts now or neverJust Keep Talking!New York City...12 million people...22 million billion connections a dayNo options. No lies. No fear. No deals. Just keep talking.Today someone has his numberYour life is on the line. hPone BoothPohne BoothPhnoe BoothPhoen BoothPhon eBoothPhoneB oothPhone oBothPhone BoothPhone BotohPhone BoohtPhone Boohthone BoothPone BoothPhne BoothPhoe BoothPhon BoothPhoneBoothPhone oothPhone BothPhone BothPhone BoohPhone BootPPhone BoothPhhone BoothPhoone BoothPhonne BoothPhonee BoothPhone BoothPhone BBoothPhone BooothPhone BooothPhone BootthPhone Boothh Plot: A fiendish publicist finds himself being held hostage in a phone booth by an extreme moralist who watches his victim's every move through the scope of his high-power sniper rifle, while speaking to the publicist via the phone booth. The caller prides himself on using force to punish corrupt people by forcing them to admit all of their lies and sins through mental games, or killing them. At the same time, he eliminates other people as well; everyday people who are guilty of brutal dishonesty and/or corruption, such as a murderous street pimp and a pushy pizza man (all of which, if you look hard enough in the film, have a guilt link). The caller himself is corrupt, and uses it defeat other corruption. It is evil fighting evil in the phone booth. |
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