Friday, May 9, 2008

The Alibi (2006) -

The Alibi (2006)

The Alibi
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Director: MattMattila, Kurt Checkowski

IMDB rating 6.40 / 10

The Alibi - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb)

Related tags: mormon

Taglines: Planning a lunchtime rendezvous or an elicit affair and don't want anyone to find out? Do you need an alibi? Then Ray Elliot is here to help.You Cheat. We Lie.
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Plot: Ray Elliot helps people cheat on their spouses by arranging iron-clad alibis for a price. About the time he hires a new assistant, Lola, he learns there's a $5 million contract out on Jack McAdam, his former partner; and, his first and longest-running client wants him to set up a weekend for his son, who's about to marry. When the son's illicit tryst goes terribly awry, Ray has more than his share of problems: police, a jealous boyfriend, angry clients, a polygamist hitman, a coroner's assistant, and various wives converge to put Ray in danger. Can Lola be trusted? What about human nature?